The following represents a working list of success metrics that museums are using to evaluate their mobile experiences. Please assist us by adding to this list, raising questions or clarifying points.
- Downloads
- Usage analytics
- Reviews/ratings in app stores (quality and quantity)
- Comments (quality and quantity)
- Engagement spectrum (from spectating through creating)
- Variety and quality of contributions (for crowdsourcing)
- Pre-, during and Post-visit usage
- Visitor surveys
- Integration with museum offerings (interpretative and educational)
- Integration with museum systems (collections, website, social media)
- Sustainability (ease/cost of maintenance)
- Cost per user (compared to other offerings)
- New audience reach (reaching targeted or underserved demographics)
- Improving audience diversity (cultural and socio-economic, multi-lingual, accessibility)
- Press reviews (quality and quantity)
- Compared to other apps
- Functionality (unique to the platform)
At AAM 2013 session It’s Mobile, But is it Working? we will be presenting these metrics and discussing them. Please contribute!